What is Non-Toxic Anyways?

The how to’s of living with less toxic products, in your home.

Let’s talk about toxic load. What is nontoxic anyways? You may have heard this term, but may not really understand the significance of it.

So here it is! It refers to the accumulation of toxins in our bodily systems, through pollutants and things we ingest. Viola!

So now what?

If you are already on the healthy train and strive for good ingredients, that’s great! But I know it can also be incredibly annoying when we try to buy cleaner products, then sometimes realize, they aren’t so great.

Ive felt the frustration of feeling like everything seems tainted!  There is a lot of coercive marketing out there, and there can be a cost involved, when shifting your products!

So in writing this… I feel called to ask you all this:

How do we make better choices with our household items, and do it in a way that gives us relief in knowing we are making good choices for our health and home?

But also, in a straightforward process that won't include breaking the bank on a product overhaul.

So, let's start from scratch!

To be real, living in a non-toxic way is really doing your best to omit harsh chemicals from your use. For some, this may be to an extreme, or not. I personally strive for 100% of my products to contain clean ingredients, but ultimately, I believe in the 80/20 rule. I think it is just as important for you to live realistically, allowing for more sustainability long term.

So why do we need to use non-toxic products?

Well, unfortunately over the years, big companies learned very quickly how to make more money. With out the accountability or regulations from governing bodies to know exactly what ingredients cause harm after exposure. The truth of the matter is science is slow, but we now know we can use our innate gifts of critical thinking to be mindful of this and take charge of what we choose to use on our bodies AND in our homes!

So, let's start! We all know there’s a ton of harsh ingredients in cleaning products… these chemicals can be found in a lot more than just cleaning products as well.

Here are some common ones, with some insight on proven side effects that they cause. I’ve added definitions to some, so you can understand the issue. The rest are commonly found on product labels and their side effects can be easily found online.

Triclosan- An antibacterial agent found in antibacterial cleaning products. Linked too, endocrine disorders, allergies, eczema, asthma and cancers. According to the FDA, exposure to high doses is associated in a decrease in thyroid hormone and contributes to bacterial resistance to antibiotics. It also states on the FDA website that in 1997, it was reviewed for effectiveness and showed that it could be effective in preventing gingivitis when studied in Colgate toothpaste. Yea, with a big cost.…jeesh.

Phthalates- A group of chemicals used to make plastics more durable. Often called plasticizers and found in a lot of personal care products and perfumes. They are endocrine disrupters, (aka they screw with your hormones) which means when they are absorbed in the body, they mimic or block female hormones or in males, suppress the hormones involved in male sexual development… and they cross the placenta. Wtf. The list goes on with this one…

Sulphates- like SLS AND SLES commonly found in laundry, dish and dishwasher detergents to help create a lather in cleaning power. Produced from petroleum, sulphates can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, mouth and lungs. If contaminated with other chemicals, studies have associated it with cancer when studied on laboratory animals.



Sodium hydroxide

Formaldehyde- I hear this and instantly think of embalming fluid. Lovely. Well unfortunately it’s a preservative, and it can be added directly or released by other preservatives. It’s a common indoor pollutant because of its use in home construction materials and is often found in cosmetics, air fresheners, glue, paint, hair straighteners, detergent and of course, home cleaning products. It can also be called formalin, urea formaldehyde or phenol formaldehyde. Sometimes it's not listed on a label because it's not added to a product, yet instead, created in the product from chemical reaction. So, this shit here now causes irritation of the skin, eyes, nose and throat and is associated with some types of Cancer.

Fluoride- no bueno. It’s a Neurotoxin that was sold with the intention of preventing cavities. Many studies later proves it isn’t that great and should not be ingested in the amounts that it is. It directly effects the brain, and studies have shown it has very Ill effects on the thyroid.

Aluminum chlorohydrate

Sulphuric acid

Phosphoric acid

Ethylene glycol

Chlorine- Is a disinfectant found in water, food, bleaching agent. High levels of man-made chlorine exposure can be linked to lung issues, skin and eye irritation, and cancer. Unfortunately, it is in a lot of things like your city drinking water, and pools. This one definitely involves a good chemistry lesson to understand its natural chemical make-up and its relationship to chloride. The quickest way to reduce this exposure is adequate filtration for your drinking water!

Now, yes there are many more ingredients you could be concerned about, so check out ewg.org for a rabbit hole nose dive.

Although the FDA keeps these products around for their preserving and product “benefit”. What is the physical cost of having that Lysol clean bathroom?

IF a safer alternative was an option, that did an equally good job, why in the world would you NOT want to change your products?

As mentioned, the term “toxic load” is referring to the buildup of toxins in your body. It is important to know that the more toxic load your body consumes, the more build up happens in the body, making it harder to detoxify naturally. When our bodies are overburdened this way, it can affect how things work on a deeper level…

For children especially, constant exposure to unnecessary chemicals means the immune system cannot work its best, resulting in more viruses and infections…more exposure to antibiotics.. and more stress on families.

Exposure happens when using your typical laundry detergent dryer scents, bounce sheets, bath and soap product, and even carpet cleaner. When the exposure is high… the body gets “congested” with chemicals and it cannot work optimally.

Yes, there is so much more to this as well, including diet, gut health, heavy metal exposure, allergies, underlining health issues, and genetic contribution that makes each person uniquely wired to respond to these stressors, differently. Because… that is what they are, STRESSORS.

As I commit to this journey of less chemicals in my home, one thing I noticed amongst after some of trial and error is PERFUME is in A LOT. A product can be 98% great ingredients, but has some kind of synthetic fragrance, which can blow the whole point of a natural product, out the window.

Another thing important to know is even natural fragrance like essential oils can have its issues.

As an Aromatherapist myself, you should be aware that essential oils are often very medicinal in nature. And although they smell good, they are not really intended to just be used just as perfume. Some oils have been linked to endocrine affects when used in higher doses. Specifically, Lavender and tea tree oil.

Also, I love a good citrus oil in my cleaning products, and laundry dryer balls. But please know, Citrus plants are the highest consuming pesticide fruit out there. And it's important to choose organic here, when you can.

That being said, this is in no way a means to ditch these oils. They are so amazing for the purpose of what they hold. However, if all of your baby products and detergents contain LAVENDER….now is your opportunity to make informed choices around this.  

Essential oils work mainly by our olfactory senses (smell) but can be absorbed topically too. So, think of your skin like a screen door…As the largest organ in our body, it can absorb everythingggg….. and its supposed too! Just like the purpose of vitamin D absorbing into our body from the magnificent sun! Your soap, shampoo, body cream, dish soap, kitchen cleaner, laundry detergent etc.  It all absorbs.

So know that just because something states it’s natural, doesn’t mean we should disregard what’s on the ingredients list. It’s important to always check!

Your probably thinking “oh great! Now I have to overhaul my products!?” 

No. USE what you have. Use it up. You bought it, so use it if you want too. There is no realistic reason why we need to be throwing our money down the drain! Literally!

The best route forward with the information you now have, is when you know better, you do better. So next time you shop for something, you are going to have a better understanding of what to look for!

A lifestyle change doesn’t have to be stressful or impulsive. It can be a gradual process to activate in a few months or even up to a year. Especially in financially sensitive times, we need to do what works best for our budgets too.

OK, so now that you see what you DON’T want in your products..  here are some ideas on what you do want!

DIY- easy and budget friendly. Vinegar, baking soda, (great for toilets, sinks, drains) I like to fill my glass reusable bottle with water, vinegar and lemon or orange essential oils. I like DoTerra oils and Floriana, from France. Citrus oils hold disinfecting properties, so they make a nice addition to any homemade cleaning spray. I only use essential oils that are third party tested, or organic.

DoTerra cleaning products like ONgaurd. For those who like young living products, I heard they have good cleaning products as well. ONgaurd is an essential oil blend that carries antimicrobial and disinfectant properties and has been tested many times for its efficacy.

To shop doTerra if you haven’t already, click here, https://referral.doterra.me/5277048

Soap works. This family-owned company makes great soap products and natural laundry products, like “safe bleach” if bleach is a must have for your whites. Definitely worth checking out.

Some Castile soaps are good too. Opt for unscented. I like to keep in mind the company itself, and its values. A lot of large elite companies have bought out the little guys. When that’s the case, ingredients can be changed, and the company may have a bad rap for other things and doesn’t deserve to be supported. So that’s your choice.

Steam mop! Safe for wood floors. Naturally disinfects through temperature.There are many brands to choose from.

Norwex cleaning cloths. They work amazing. Never have to use windex again. Washable, lasts for years. Doesn’t require product to use them, it's just the cool cloths.

Dish soap, dishwasher, laundry detergent- I find this to be the hardest one, for a bang for your buck and efficacy in the product. But I like DOterra onguard detergent, Ive also used the companies, Eco max, Tru earth, and Nellies.

You can also DIY your laundry soap, dishwasher soap, fabric softener. There are SO many recipes for this online.  

DIY Linen spray- if you have a busy husband like mine who works so hard you can smell it? lol.. I got a reusable spray bottle and filled half with water, a quarter with alcohol free witch hazel, and added essential oils like lemon and peppermint to refresh pillows, bedding and stinky work boots.  You can make scented body spray like this as well.

Deodorant- aluminum free, always. You can make your own with coconut oil and baking soda.

Toothpaste- Fluoride free. Omit the mouth wash. It kills the micro biome in your mouth. Where digestion actually starts. Hydroxyapatite toothpaste is up and coming, check it out.

Shampoo and hair care products- Strive for something with the least amount of chemicals possible, health food stores tend to carry a good selection of Somewhat clean shampoo. Some hair salons are moving towards cleaner ingredients in their hair color lines too. Just have to ask. I recently tried Carina Organics for its appealing clean Ingredient list.

Face and beauty products- Skin cream and body butter can easily be DIY, if you’re into it. Coconut oil a wonderful skin moisturizer and bum salve for babies. I use coconut on my face daily. Ive recently also checked out the company wild craft, they have some lovely face creams.

Synthetic AIR fresheners have been proven to be so terribly bad for you. Also, keep in mind when you have pre-pubescent children…. Hormone disrupting chemicals in these products can be detrimental.

Now Unfortunately, toxic chemicals can be in so many things, even so much as our paper towel, vinyl flooring, and furniture. You can buy unbleached paper towels and there are even reusable options.

You can also do half non-toxic disposable and half reusable, which would help you balance the cost of expensive paper towel. Furniture is a bigger investment, and there are definitely more safer options available.

With the world moving to more natural and environmentally friendly options, there is more variety and companies are starting to rebrand. Even Paint has better options over the last few years.

So, in closing, when you have the knowledge and tools to assist you with these decisions, you will ultimately make better choices for you and your family. Remember the 80/20 rule and strive for clean ingredient’s most of the time!

There are chemicals in everything, and I would be here all day trying to tell you about it. Now, the important lesson here is that you deserve to make yourself a priority and take your health into your own hands whenever possible.

I truly hope this information opens your eyes and gives you the encouragement you need to officially make the swap to healthier products. It may be a process, but you can do it. Your body, family and your future, will thank you!

Please know, unless a link is provided, I am not associated or receive compensation for any of my recommendations.


A Dabble in Ayurveda, The Dosha’s & TCM