They are all around us. Do you choose to ignore them, or are you open to receiving the messages that come with them?
Like a spiritual symbol or image, messages can come in with specific meaning that hold beliefs, concepts, and ideas connected to spirituality. It is one way that the universe and spirit energies communicate with us.
When we are open to being divinely guided, this becomes a natural occurrence that can help us navigate our various human experiences. In some cases, it’s a gift from spirit that comes at the perfect time.
Animal messengers are a common sign for us all. They can hold spiritual significance that often takes time to understand, as we begin to develop a relationship with the message and learn what in fact the animal means for us. I am referring to situations like a close encounter with a wild animal, or like a bird at your window that wont leave. There are a lot of different scenarios, many of which will make you wonder,
is this just a coincidence?
Well, the answer is no. There is no such thing as a coincidence. It is easy for our human brain to blow off anything that is out of the ordinary, but what people don’t realize is everything in your life happens with purpose, the smallest to the largest detail or scenario.
Not only do we attract spirit and angel messages as part of our soul's experience in this human life, but we also carry a vibration, in that we attract like energy to us. Which is why manifestation is such a powerful phenomenon, when we are on the right frequency.
When we talk about common animal messengers, birds are pretty popular here. They are probably the more common and hold a special representation to each individual who encounters them.
The cardinal for example is a beautiful bird who is said to embody our loved ones who are choosing this form to physically connect with you. They also represent hope, devotion, good fortune and blessings. Native Americans believe that they hold the power to protect and guide people on their spiritual journeys and can appear during impending change or transition.
I had a beautiful Owl show up at my tree in my front yard. My kid stopped and pointed and asked “um Mommy… is that real?” I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked from my porch and saw this magnificent Bird sitting on a low branch, just watching us. I went over to it… it didn’t leave. As a matter of fact, we all circled closely around it, which had no effect on it at all. It’s one thing to spot a wild animal but it's another to have one literally in your personal space or property. Now, I was going to have to find out what was the message the Owl represented. This amazing moment carried on for over an hour as he stayed on my tree watching my house.. and then took his opportunity to fly away, being sure I also captured that moment.
I felt this Owl represented a higher dimensional being. The energy was really intense. I believe it came to visit as part of the massive energetic shifts that are occurring all over the world, and being felt by many of us. There was an awareness that this Owl carried with it. A wisdom, and I guess that would make sense since Owls have been known for wisdom. The “ Wise Owl”.
The Owl was a mirror of my own growth and wisdom as I am feeling the process of being catapulted into another realm of knowledge and spirituality. I also know that 2024 will continue to bring people into more personal conscious awareness. A lot of big change, a lot of intense personal growth.
Another interesting scenario happened when we were settling in from a big move a few years ago. A bat showed up at my front door, just a few months after moving into our new house. It stuck itself to the brick… and stayed for almost 2 days.
Bats actually signify new beginnings due to a natural end. Freedom from fear, transformation, the supernatural and re birth. All of this fitting quite accurately for that time in our lives.
We are so deeply interconnected that signs and messages come through to us all the time, often times without notice. The spirit world is intertwined with in our earthly unconscious way of life, that it often takes us effort to keep still… or to make time to stop, be still and listen.
We all have the ability to tap into our consciousness. It takes time and work for most but its an ability we all have and the more we stay aware of the synchronicities around us, the more answers you can find with in yourself, as your higher self is there to facilitate the answers you seek.
Dreams are an easy way to receive messages from the spirit world as well. Because our spirit isn’t asleep, only our body is. This is why we can have such interesting adventures in our dreams. Or dreams that feel so real it takes us time to shake when we wake up. Some people astral travel in their dreams… floating around the house or somewhere else. We have the power to visit past and future lives, which includes other dimensions.
When my grandmother showed up in my living room Christmas morning in 1998ish… She had been past away for a year or so and floated through my living room like a white cloud of smoke. I luckily have good visual senses and got to see this moment while my other family members felt her strong presence. We can often feel or see spirit energy. it’s always a magical experience and can confirm our feelings about them in spirit, or even settle anxiety about our own mortality.
How about those moments when you happen to be at the perfect place at the perfect time and gain an incredible opportunity. Is that just luck? Or running into someone by coincidence, more than once but end up eventually in a relationship with. Sounds like my story with my Husband. His phone used to pocket dial mine in our early stages of knowing each other, and we would rekindle and get together again.
The universe plays a big role in our lives… especially when we surrender to what we want. When we try to control the outcomes or every aspect in our life, we actually lose track of what is meant to be. Some of my biggest accomplishments in my life happened after I authentically surrendered to the process and allowed god to create the outcome. One being meeting my husband and the other is having my miracle baby, my daughter.
Additionally, another frequent occurrence for some are seeing repetitive numbers. Like 11:11, for example. 11 is a number of spiritual awareness and when we see this number regularly it often represents the universe communicating with your frequency. So next time you find yourself noticing repetitive numbers, consider it a message, for you to find meaning in.
So in writing this, my hopes are for you to ask yourself, what moments in your life do you think held a special meaning? Have you had a spirit message at some point? Have you had any interesting encounters with an animal or person, and what did that mean for you?
We are all connected by consciousness. Everything you do, hear and see has a purpose in that moment. When you expand your awareness, you may find that life makes a lot more sense to you and even find what your looking for along the way.
Again, there is no such thing as a coincidence.