Numbers, dreams and a little in between.
11:11, Make a wish!
Numbers… they are everywhere! They are a common sign for us and like letters, carry a frequency or vibration... For example, when we see the 11 11, it is said to mean spiritual evolvement or that someone is in our presence. It’s also representing the “frequency of angels”. It’s considered a message from the universe to become conscious and aware. If you see this number or it’s important to you, just know your being called to step into our spiritual self and can also signify being on the right path IN the right moment.
In numerology the 11 is a Master number, along with 22, 33 and 44. They hold a much heavier vibration and significance for someone who has these numbers as a result of adding their date or numbers at birth. The 11 master number represents wisdom and abundance but also someone who is very intuitive by nature.
Very commonly do we recognize repetitive numbers. For some this is THEE sign for them and holds a significant meaning. But its not all 11:11. Lately for example, I’ve been seeing 1121. Which just so happens to be my birthday.
If you would like to know what your life path number is, you would just add the numbers of your birthdate.
For example: December 17th 2009 would be 1+2+1+7+2+9= 22. The Master Builder. This life path is said to hold incredible skill with building and design. Normally you would add 2+2 to condense to one single digit, unless you end up with a master number.
It is not very common to have a life path with a master number. There are other additions with your birthday and birth name that can also represents aspects in your life that can be calculated and give you insight of who you are characteristically, and at a deeper soul level. If you don’t know your life path number, add it up. Remember to continue adding until you get to a single digit, unless you add up to a master number. Below is some insight on what your life path and how it influences your character.
1= Independence, leader, egocentric
2= Connection, balance, partnerships, peacemaker
3= Communication, joy, creative
4= Practicality, stability, logic, the manager
5= Free spirit, adventure, change
6= Nurturing, protective, service to others
7= Seeking, curious, thorough, analytical
8= Power, money, intensity, realistic
9= Freedom, humanitarian, integrity, acceptance
11= intuition, spirituality, healer
22= Teacher, creative, practical
33= compassion, responsible, guiding, healer
44=Passion, energy, power
Is this accurate for you?
Shifting to another common experience regarding connection, we have our dreams. They can be interpreted in different ways and sometimes we all have dreams that scare us, or feel like they came from another world. Sometimes our dreams can be an outlet from stress and fear that consumes us in our waking lives. Death in dreams doesn’t always mean death is inevitable, but it can represent re- birth and a new path opening up for us. We constantly go through cycles as part of our human experience and death can be interpreted as a big shift in who we are or a new start in life. Not necessarily the sadness or endings that naturally come with the term death. If we look at the word death, and not in part with death of our physical bodies, we can compare the term with the seasons. Every October we see our plants and leaves die off, to become birthed again in the spring with flowers and trees on an endless life cycle of constant new beginning. We technically go through a similar hypothetical experience when our lives turn upside down and we have to start new. Or we change jobs, careers, marriages. Things in our lives die, because with out death, there is no life.
When a loved one who has left the earth comes to us in a dream, often times it is a visit from them. Even if it doesn’t make sense, the dream is an opportunity for spirit to make its way to your subconscious and have you see them in your dream state. We have all had dreams like this but may not connect the reasoning behind it. Most people need an explanation instead of having faith or using our gifts of intuition to realize that the world around us isn’t black and white, so to speak. When we open up our barriers and limited believe systems, we can start to notice a lot more around AND with in our conscious being.
The universe along with our consciousness communicates with us in so many ways. Like the vibration of numbers or messages from our dream state. There are so many situations that are quite commonly associated with the explanation of a “sign”.
Whenever you are in a situation where something odd occurs and you ask your self if it indeed IS some kind of sign, just know that in that moment when you have recognized the possibly.. the answer is most likely yes.